Deer Talk

1.) When a deer holds her tail stiffy out to one side, she is giving the body signal that tells bucks she is in heat. Don't alarm the doe because a buck is almost surely close at hand.

2.) If a buck stares at you and his tail is horizontal and pointed to the rear, you might as well take your shot. This tail position is a sign that he has spotted you and is about to flee at top speed.

3.) Most hunter's believe that alarmed deer run with tails high and the white flag waving. Doe's do this instinctively because the white flag signals fawns to follow. Bucks sometimes do show the flag when fleeing, but they often do not. When you spook several deer, look for the one that is running with a low tail, and your sites will probably settle on a mature whitetail buck.

4.) When a whitetail holds it's head at knee level and the tongue sticks out of the side of it's mouth, the animal has smelled something that is alarming it. This may tip you off to the fact that your scent is getting to the deer and that changing the location of your stand is advisable. It could also mean that the deer scent you are using is actually alarming to deer.

5.) When a deer begins to lower it's head to the ground as if to feed but then quickly jerks it's head back up. This sudden unexpected movement can cause a predator or hunter to flinch and revael it's presence. If on the other hand the deer leans it's head almost to the ground and begins to nibble the greenery, you can go ahead and slowly raise your rifle. The deer is mistakenly sure that all is right with the world.

6.) Other head movements are geared to the use of other sense. For example, a deer holds it's head high and tilted back and his upper lip is curled back so that the gums show, the animal is smelling something and would like to find the source of the scent. (Biologists refer to this as the "Flehman Posture".) The Flehman Posture is most commonly displayed when a rutting buck smells the scent of a doe in heat. However doe's and bucks also assume the Flehman Posture as a favorable reaction to many other odors. These include any number of commercial scents used by hunter's.

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